Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trying To Get Pregnant - The Menstrual Cycle And When You Can Get Pregnant

An average woman has a 28 day menstrual cycle, although others have longer and shorter cycles. The woman's ovaries release one egg (or more) in the middle of the cycle. The release of the egg (ovulation) occurs on the 14th date of the cycle. When released, the egg travels through the fallopian tubes down to the uterus. The following could answer why you can't get pregnant

What is a fertile day?

No one can pinpoint one exact date when a woman can get pregnant. But experts have provided the information we can use to calculate a woman's fertile period in any one month.

Women's menstrual cycles range between 23 and 35 rotations, with an average of 28. The first step is to understand the length of your menstrual cycle.

The first stage is when the woman begins to shed blood.

Between the 5th and the 10th day from the first blood of menstruation, the uterus begins to prepare for the next menstrual cycle. Blood vessels are increasing in the uterine walls and filling with the blood that will bring the nutrients needed to nourish the fetus should fertilization occur. The egg is released from the ovary on the 14th day (for women who have a 28 date menstruation cycle) and begins to travel down the fallopian tubes. Once released, the egg can survive for 12-24 hours and disintegrate. The woman may get pregnant if she has sexual intercourse shortly before the egg is released or during the lifespan of the egg in the fallopian tubes. Once deposited in a woman's vagina, sperms can remain alive and able to fertilize for up to 5 twenty four hour durations.

The information above suggests that the most likely period for a woman to get pregnant is from the time the egg is released and available for fertilization (on the 14th stage). The egg can survive for up to 24 hours, meaning that it is possible for pregnancy to occur on the when the egg is released day 14 and the following 15.

But in nature, things do not always work out as neatly as that. Besides, some women have the average cycle of a 28 period, on which the information above is based, and others have longer or shorter periods. These factors mean that although the sure time a woman who has a menstrual cycle of twenty eight can get pregnant is fourteenth and fifteenth, the fertile period can range from 10th-18th, taking in account the following factors:

Sperms deposited in a woman's vagina can stay alive in a woman's body for up to 5 days. So the sperms deposited on 10th will still be alive in a woman's body when the egg is released. Women with long cycles of up to 35 phases may release an egg in the middle i.e. the 17th which may remain alive up to 18th. A woman with this menstrual cycle will get pregnant if she had sexual intercourse any time between the 13th and 18th days.

That is why medical experts say that a woman's fertile period lies between 10th and 18th, counting one to be the first day a woman get menstrual blood. The information above should help you calculate your own fertile period.

Chiropractic Care May Enhance Fertility

So, you're trying to conceive. Perhaps you, like many fortunate couples, will conceive within three to five months. Or perhaps you will find yourselves among the millions of fertility challenged couples. The World Health Organization defines infertility as no pregnancy after a full year of contraceptive-free trying. In Canada, this number is an estimated 11.5-15.7% for couples in which the woman is aged 18-44, a significant increase from ten years ago (1). There is a corresponding increase in the use of assisted reproductive technologies over this time period.

What causes infertility? Sometimes there is a medical explanation. Visiting your family doctor can help you rule out potential medical reasons. However, often no explanation is found. In many cases, certain lifestyle recommendations can significantly improve the chances of conception.

How can chiropractic help with fertility? Chiropractic has long been recognized as a holistic health profession. Chiropractic is a non-invasive, drug-free and hands-on approach to care that also focuses on self-empowerment and healthy lifestyle choices. Chiropractic care, in itself, can be considered a healthy lifestyle choice as it helps restore balance in spinal mechanics and nervous system function. Though many people initially seek care on account of pain or injury, one doesn't need pain to have a problem. If you have pain or a history of physical trauma, definitely see a chiropractor! Even if you don't, you can still book a physical examination to evaluate your spinal health. A chiropractor can help you optimize or restore spinal health and recommend ways to keep it.

Chiropractors are spinal health experts and spinal health can have a profound influence on overall health. Why? Because the spine supports and protects the nervous system which controls and co-ordinates all systems and processes in the body. Nerves originating in the low back provide and receive information to/from the reproductive organs. This network must be communicating freely for optimal function. Thus, if there is a structural or functional problem involving the low back or pelvis and it impairs communication, then it is possible that fertility may be compromised. Only a chiropractor, through a detailed physical examination, can locate and then correct these structural/functional problems (termed subluxations). A chiropractor can also help you tease apart other chemical, physical and emotional factors that may affect fertility. We look at the big picture.

Where is the evidence that chiropractic improves fertility? While there are yet to be any high quality, controlled studies in this area, there is an increasing number of case reports and much anecdotal support. There are a series of case reports published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research with successful pregnancies following chiropractic care. More research is required to fully understand how chiropractic improves fertility and its success rate compared to other options. Assisted reproductive technologies can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. However, chiropractic care remains a very cost effective and safe option with an average cost per treatment of ~$40. Depending on the health history and physical examination findings, usually a course of care is recommended.

Other healthful tips... By visiting a chiropractor, you'll likely receive other healthful tips such as the importance of managing stress, cleaning up your diet, physical fitness and reaching a healthy weight. Physical, chemical and emotional factors all play a role in your overall health and wellness. Remember: health and healing come from the inside and you have to take responsibility for your health.

Just to be clear, chiropractors do not diagnose of treat infertility. Instead, chiropractors treat the mechanical issues that may affect the nervous system. However, it can renew hope for those who've lost hope and provide a healthy alternative for those who wish to avoid costly assisted reproductive technologies and fertility medications (with dangerous side effects). Chiropractic care is safe, cost effective and even covered by most insurance plans. So, why not make chiropractic a part of your preconception plan? Find a chiropractor in your area.

1. Bushnik, T, et al. (2011). Estimating the prevalence of infertility in Canada. Human Reproduction; 9(0):1-9.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Is a Yeast Infection Exactly?

Yeast infections can manifest in several different areas of your body, and can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. This form of infection is most commonly found in women and will affect the vaginal area.

There are several different reasons for the yeast infection to surface, including a poor diet, stress, unhygienic behavior or using antibiotics.

Understanding fungus and why it is in your body

A yeast infection will occur when the level of natural fungus in your body begins to grow excessively. This yeast, which is known as Candida albicans, is found in your body at all times; however, when it becomes excessive then you will experience problems. If the yeast production is incredibly high then the infection can be severe and painful.

Environmental disruptions have a huge effect on your body's natural pH levels, which can cause the yeast to grow. Increased moisture, heat, elevated sugar levels, and the reduction of bacteria which controls the yeast will all affect the yeast levels within your body. Unfortunately, all of these factors will cause your body to fail to prevent the extensive growth of Candida.

When you might suffer

You need to ensure that you keep the yeast levels in your body to a safe amount, as they are used to balance your body. If your body becomes unbalanced you might become ill, which can lead to some rather uncomfortable symptoms.

If you suffer with a compromised immune system or an autoimmune disease, you might find it harder to fight the infection.

When you are pregnant, you might find that you suffer more with yeast infections. This is due to the high levels of hormones in your body. You might also find that if you have diabetes or HIV you suffer more.

Having your infection diagnosed correctly is essential to ensure you receive the correct medical care and eradicate the infection completely.

If the symptoms are extreme

Leaving the yeast infection untreated can cause major problems, and you will soon discover that you have to find a treatment. Your immune system will struggle to fight infection, and you might need medical treatment to help the problem.

Common symptoms of yeast infections include itching and discharge, although in extreme cases these yeast symptoms can include swelling and intense burning.

Regardless of the severity of the yeast infection, you need to ensure that you receive a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

There are several different methods of treatment, which will help with the symptoms, but understanding the cause first of all is vital.

You need to determine what is causing the yeast infection, and learn how to prevent them in the future.

Detailed Understanding Of Surgical Operations

Family planning is something that every married couple dreams of, and is normally associated with an immeasurable and unexplainable joy. However, unplanned pregnancy is exactly contrary to the planning phase. There are a good number of things that a woman looks out for during the stage of unwanted pregnancy. However, the most common solution that strikes the mind of a woman is Abortion. Abortion is basically a process that terminates the pregnancy in a healthy manner and includes medical abortion as well as surgical abortion. Further in this article, I have discussed in-detail information of surgical operations.


There are mainly five types of surgical abortion that include aspiration, dilation and evacuation, dilation and curettage, dilation and extraction, and induction abortion. These surgical options are considered to be outpatient procedures and require a time period from a few hours to an overnight stay at the Abortion Clinic.

Time Frame

The type of operation performed for abortion mainly depends on the state of pregnancy of a woman. The suction aspiration is suitable for first 6 - 12 gestation weeks, dilation and curettage for 12-15 weeks, dilation and evacuation for 15-21 weeks, dilation and extraction for 21-23 weeks and induction abortions for a period of more than 23 weeks.


The surgical operations at Abortion Clinics are mainly performed with the help of vacuum device and a shaped instrument known as curette or a syringe. In the suction aspiration surgery, the canola (tube connected with the suction device) helps in outwards suction of the fetus as well as placenta from uterus. The procedure is same for dilation and curettage, but curette is mainly used for scraping the lining, placenta and fetus out of the uterus.

The dilation and evacuation process is considered to be a combination of suction aspiration, and the dilation and curettage procedures. It mainly includes usage of forceps for removing the larger parts of fetus and the lining of the uterus. The induction abortion is mainly done by inserting a medicine, which can be potassium chloride or salt water, for aborting the unwanted pregnancy. In the dilation and extraction process, the cervix of the women is dilated and all the contents of the women are removed with the help of a forceps.


The medical symptoms of surgical abortion mainly include a good number of side effects like cramping, sweating, nausea and regular feeling of faintness. Women may experience regular bleeding, blood clots and even infection. Women may also face some severe symptoms, mainly depending upon the type of operation performed. Some of severe symptoms include damage to the cervix and perforation of uterus.

Final Considerations

Having an abortion does not affect the future pregnancy of a woman and can be done legally depending upon the age and the health of the mother. Though Abortion Clinics deals in abortion, but you must understand that it is illegal in the eyes of law. Though it was legal during the early times, now it has been abolished by the law. Therefore, you ought to be carefully and think twice before getting the child aborted, as the joy of pregnancy is not in the luck of every woman.

Detailed Understanding Of Surgical Operations

Family planning is something that every married couple dreams of, and is normally associated with an immeasurable and unexplainable joy. However, unplanned pregnancy is exactly contrary to the planning phase. There are a good number of things that a woman looks out for during the stage of unwanted pregnancy. However, the most common solution that strikes the mind of a woman is Abortion. Abortion is basically a process that terminates the pregnancy in a healthy manner and includes medical abortion as well as surgical abortion. Further in this article, I have discussed in-detail information of surgical operations.


There are mainly five types of surgical abortion that include aspiration, dilation and evacuation, dilation and curettage, dilation and extraction, and induction abortion. These surgical options are considered to be outpatient procedures and require a time period from a few hours to an overnight stay at the Abortion Clinic.

Time Frame

The type of operation performed for abortion mainly depends on the state of pregnancy of a woman. The suction aspiration is suitable for first 6 - 12 gestation weeks, dilation and curettage for 12-15 weeks, dilation and evacuation for 15-21 weeks, dilation and extraction for 21-23 weeks and induction abortions for a period of more than 23 weeks.


The surgical operations at Abortion Clinics are mainly performed with the help of vacuum device and a shaped instrument known as curette or a syringe. In the suction aspiration surgery, the canola (tube connected with the suction device) helps in outwards suction of the fetus as well as placenta from uterus. The procedure is same for dilation and curettage, but curette is mainly used for scraping the lining, placenta and fetus out of the uterus.

The dilation and evacuation process is considered to be a combination of suction aspiration, and the dilation and curettage procedures. It mainly includes usage of forceps for removing the larger parts of fetus and the lining of the uterus. The induction abortion is mainly done by inserting a medicine, which can be potassium chloride or salt water, for aborting the unwanted pregnancy. In the dilation and extraction process, the cervix of the women is dilated and all the contents of the women are removed with the help of a forceps.


The medical symptoms of surgical abortion mainly include a good number of side effects like cramping, sweating, nausea and regular feeling of faintness. Women may experience regular bleeding, blood clots and even infection. Women may also face some severe symptoms, mainly depending upon the type of operation performed. Some of severe symptoms include damage to the cervix and perforation of uterus.

Final Considerations

Having an abortion does not affect the future pregnancy of a woman and can be done legally depending upon the age and the health of the mother. Though Abortion Clinics deals in abortion, but you must understand that it is illegal in the eyes of law. Though it was legal during the early times, now it has been abolished by the law. Therefore, you ought to be carefully and think twice before getting the child aborted, as the joy of pregnancy is not in the luck of every woman.

What Is a Yeast Infection Exactly?

Yeast infections can manifest in several different areas of your body, and can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. This form of infection is most commonly found in women and will affect the vaginal area.

There are several different reasons for the yeast infection to surface, including a poor diet, stress, unhygienic behavior or using antibiotics.

Understanding fungus and why it is in your body

A yeast infection will occur when the level of natural fungus in your body begins to grow excessively. This yeast, which is known as Candida albicans, is found in your body at all times; however, when it becomes excessive then you will experience problems. If the yeast production is incredibly high then the infection can be severe and painful.

Environmental disruptions have a huge effect on your body's natural pH levels, which can cause the yeast to grow. Increased moisture, heat, elevated sugar levels, and the reduction of bacteria which controls the yeast will all affect the yeast levels within your body. Unfortunately, all of these factors will cause your body to fail to prevent the extensive growth of Candida.

When you might suffer

You need to ensure that you keep the yeast levels in your body to a safe amount, as they are used to balance your body. If your body becomes unbalanced you might become ill, which can lead to some rather uncomfortable symptoms.

If you suffer with a compromised immune system or an autoimmune disease, you might find it harder to fight the infection.

When you are pregnant, you might find that you suffer more with yeast infections. This is due to the high levels of hormones in your body. You might also find that if you have diabetes or HIV you suffer more.

Having your infection diagnosed correctly is essential to ensure you receive the correct medical care and eradicate the infection completely.

If the symptoms are extreme

Leaving the yeast infection untreated can cause major problems, and you will soon discover that you have to find a treatment. Your immune system will struggle to fight infection, and you might need medical treatment to help the problem.

Common symptoms of yeast infections include itching and discharge, although in extreme cases these yeast symptoms can include swelling and intense burning.

Regardless of the severity of the yeast infection, you need to ensure that you receive a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

There are several different methods of treatment, which will help with the symptoms, but understanding the cause first of all is vital.

You need to determine what is causing the yeast infection, and learn how to prevent them in the future.

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